Terahertz Lichtfeld Kamera Prototyp

Ursprünglich wurde das Konzept der Lichtfeld-Bildgebung im sichtbaren Bereich des Spektrums realisiert. Unser Lehrstuhl ist führend in der Entwicklung von Lichtfeld-Verfahren für das THz Spektrum, wodurch fundamentales Verständnis gefördert und neue Hardware entwickelt wird um das THz Band zu erschließen. Zurzeit forschen wir an einem THz-Lichtfeld-Kamera Prototypen, der aus einer 3x3 Matrix von Linsen-gekoppelten 1k-Pixel THz CMOS Kameras besteht, integriert auf einem PCB. Der CMOS Kamera Chip wurde auf der International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 2021 präsentiert. Die Abbildung zeigt den Prototypen der Lichtfeld-Kamera. Dieser Prototyp dient als Hardware-Plattform für die Entwicklung von THz-Lichtfeld 3-D Bildgebungsverfahren in Echtzeit.
Vorangegangene Arbeiten
- 2004
V. Zhukovsky, Sergei; V. Gaponenko, Sergey; V. Lavrinenko, Andrei
Optical properties of fractal multilayer nanostructures
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 68 (1) :29--31
Holtz, J.; Pan, H.
Elimination of saturation effects in sensorless position-controlled induction motors
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 40 (2) :623--631
ISSN: 1939-9367524.
Romanov, S. G.; Chigrin, D. N.; Sotomayor Torres, C. M.; Gaponik, N.; Eychmuller, A.; Rogach, A. L.
Emission stimulation in a directional band gap of a CdTe-loaded opal photonic crystal
Phys. Rev. E, 69 (4) :046606
Lach, Roland; Soter, Stefan; Wegener, Ralf
Experimental determination of systemeigenfrequencies on electrical drives
11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control ConferenceausPower supply quality, renewables, power systems and DER
Herausgeber: {Riga Technical University}, Riga
2004ISBN: 9984320588
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Hardware Optimized Image Processing Algorithms for Industrial High Speed Applications
WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 3 (1) :1 - 6
Januar 2004521.
Velten, Jörg; Krips, Marco; Kummert, Anton
Hardware Optimized Image Processing Algorithms for Industrial High Speed Applications
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Januar 2004520.
Lach, Roland; Soter, Stefan
Individual Approach to an Efficient Minimization of Vibration an Noise Stimulation for Inverter-Fed Drives
PCIM Asia 2004
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April 2004516.
Tutsch, Dietmar; Hommel, Günter
Multicast Routing in Clos Networks
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April 2004515.
Chigrin, D. N.; Lavrinenko, A. V.; Sotomayor Torres, C. M.
Nanopillars photonic crystal waveguides.
Opt. Express, 12 (4) :617-622
Clemens, M.; Feigh, S.; Wilke, M.; Weiland, T.
Non-Nested Geometric Multigrid Method Using Consistency Error Correction for Discrete Magnetic Curl-Curl Formulations
COMPEL, 23 (4) :913-922
Zhukovsky, Sergei V.; Lavrinenko, Andrei V.; Gaponenko, Sergey V.
Optical Waves in One-Dimensional Fractal Inhomogeneous Media
In Barkovskii, L. M. and Feranchuk, I. D. and Schnir, Y., Editor, Études on theoretical physics, Seite 305--322
In Barkovskii, L. M. and Feranchuk, I. D. and Schnir, Y., Editor
Herausgeber: World Scientific, Singapore
Holtz, J.; Quan, J.; Pontt, J.; Rodriguez, J.; Newman, P.; Miranda, H.
Design of fast and robust current regulators for high-power drives based on complex state variables
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 40 (5) :1388--1397
ISSN: 1939-9367511.
Zwick, T.; Baks, C.; Pfeiffer, U.R.; Liu, Duixian; Gaucher, B.P.
Probe based MMW antenna measurement setup
, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Symposium, 2004.Band1, Seite 747-750 Vol.1
Chigrin, D. N.
Radiation pattern of a classical dipole in a photonic crystal: Photon focusing
Phys. Rev. E, 70 (5) :056611
Hladowski, Lukasz; Galkowski, Krzysztof; Rogers, Eric; Owens, D.
Relaxed pass profile controllability of discrete linear repetitive processes
49.tes Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium Technische Universität Ilmenau, 1 :399 - 404
Herausgeber: Shaker Verlag Aachen508.
Clemens, M.; Wilke, M.; Weiland, T.
Rosenbrock-Methods for Time Step Adaptive Transient Eddy Current Simulations without Nonlinear Iterations
Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering: Proceedings of the SCEE-2002 Conference, Eindhoven, The Netherlands June, 23rd - 28th, 2002, W.H.A. Schilders, E.J.W. ter Maten and S.H.M.J. Houben (eds.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2004 :162-170
2004ISBN: 3-540-21372-4
V. Zhukovsky, Sergei; V. Lavrinenko, Andrei; V. Gaponenko, Sergey
Scaling properties and fractal self-similarity in generalized quarter-wave fractal multilayers
Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, 7 (2) :140--149
Yuan, J.; Clemens, M.; Weiland, T.
Simulation of Hysteresis Effects Using the Classical Preisach Model in FI2TD Formulations
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (IOS Press), 19 (1-4) :19-24
ISSN: 1383-5416505.
Lach, Roland; Soter, Stefan
Sound source location measuring system for a systematic design modification of electrical machines
PCIM Europe
V. Zhukovsky, Sergei; V. Lavrinenko, Andrei; V. Gaponenko, Sergey
Spectral scalability as a result of geometrical self-similarity in fractal multilayers
Europhys. Lett., 66 (3) :455--461
Honarbacht, Arasch; Kummert, Anton
WSDP: Efficient, yet reliable, transmission of real-time sensor data over wireless networks
Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Wireless Sensor Networks, 2920 :60 - 76
Herausgeber: Springer Verlag Heidelberg502.
Honarbacht, Arasch; Kummert, Anton
WSDP: Efficient, yet reliable, transmission of real-time sensor data over wireless networks
Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Wireless Sensor Networks, 2920 :60 - 76
Herausgeber: Springer Verlag Heidelberg