Zeitschriften, Konferenzen und Workshops
- 2008
Öjefors, E.
Silicon Based Circuit Design for mm Wave and THz Applications, Siegen.
Analog 08 Tagung, Germany, P. 13-18
April 200897.
Mishra, C.; Reynolds, S.; Rassel, R.; Pinkett, S.
Schottky Barrier Diode Circuits in Silicon for Future mmWave and THz Applications.
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 56, No. 2 (P. 364-371)
Februar 200896.
Öjefors, Erik; Pfeiffer, Ullrich
A 94-GHz Monolithic Front-End for Imaging Arrays in SiGe:C Technology
2008 38th European Microwave Conference, Seite 1449-1452
Januar 200895.
Sukhorukov, A. A.; Lavrinenko, A. V.; Chigrin, D. N.; Pelinovsky, D. E.; Kivshar, Y. S.
Slow-light dispersion in coupled periodic waveguides
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 25 (12) :C65--C74
Achenbach, R; Adragna, P; Andrei, V; Apostologlou, P; Åsman, B; Ay, C; Barnett, B M; Bauss, B; Bendel, M; Bohm, C; Booth, J R A; Brawn, I P; Thomas, P Bright; Charlton, D G; Collins, N J; Curtis, C J; Dahlhoff, A; Davis, A O; Eckweiler, S; Edwards, J P; Eisenhandler, E; Faulkner, P J W; Fleckner, J; Föhlisch, F; Garvey, J; Gee, C N P; Gillman, A R; Hanke, P; Hatley, R P; Hellman, S; Hidvégi, A; Hillier, S J; Jakobs, K; Johansen, M; Kluge, E -E; Landon, M; Lendermann, V; Lilley, J N; Mahboubi, K; Mahout, G; Mass, A; Meier, K; Moa, T; Moyse, E; Müller, F; Neusiedl, A; Nöding, C; Oltmann, B; Pentney, J M; Perera, V J O; Pfeiffer, U; Prieur, D P F; Qian, W; Rees, D L; Rieke, S; Rühr, F; Sankey, D P C; Schäfer, U; Schmitt, K; Schultz-Coulon, H -C; Schumacher, C; Silverstein, S; Staley, R J; Stamen, R; Stockton, M C; Tapprogge, S; Thomas, J P; Trefzger, T; Watkins, P M; Watson, A; Weber, P; Woehrling, E -E
The ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger
Journal of Instrumentation, 3 (03) :P03001
März 200893.
Waadt, A.; Hessamian-Alinejad, A.; Wang, S.; Bruck, G.; Jung, P.
Mobileassisted Positioning in GSM Networks
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Signal Processing and its Applications (WoSPA2008)
Jung, P.; Viessmann, A.; Spiegel, C.; Burnic, A.; Bai, Z.; Bruck, G.H.; Waadt, A.; Wang, S.; Popon, X.; others
Cognitive Radio Prototyping
Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications, 2008. CrownCom 2008. 3rd International Conference on :1--6
Zhukovsky, S. V.; Gaponenko, S. V.
Constraints on transmission, dispersion, and density of states in dielectric multilayers and stepwise potential barriers with an arbitrary layer arrangement
Phys. Rev. E, 77 :046602
April 2008
Herausgeber: American Physical Society90.
Spiegel, Christoph; Viessmann, Alexander; Burnic, Admir; Bai, Zijian; Bruck, Guido H.; Jung, Peter; Statnikov, Konstantin; Waadt, Andreas; Wang, Shangbo; Popon, Xavier; Velilla, Rafael Rodriguez; Saarnisaari, Harri; Alles, Matthias; Brack, Torben; Kienle, Frank; Berens, Friedbert; Rotolo, Salvatore; Scalise, Fabio Mario; When, Norbert
Designing Cognitive Radio Terminals
2008 IEEE 10th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications, Seite 666-670
2008- 2007
Hoivik, N.; Liu, D.; Jahnes, C.V.; Cotte, J.M.; Tsang, C.; Patel, C.; Grzyb, J.; Knickerbocker, J.; Magerlein, J.H.; Gaucher, B.
High-Efficiency 60 GHz Antenna Fabricated Using Low-Cost Silicon Micromachining Techniques
2007 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium :5043-5046
Dezember 200788.
SiGe Power Amplifier Design Concepts for mmWave Applications, Invited Presentation, European Microwave Week.
Workshop on 60GHz Short Range Communication Systems and Circuits, Munich, Germany
Oktober 200787.
Large-signal modeling in high-power SiGe mmWave and THz Applications Invited Presentation.
Workshop on Compact Modeling for RF/Microwave Applications, BCTM, Boston, US
Oktober 200786.
Analog/RF Design Concepts for 60GHz and Beyond
Kleinheubacher Tagung 2007, Miltenberg, Germany
September 200785.
Mishra, C.; Rassel, R.; Reynolds, S.
Silicon Schottky Diode Power Converters Beyond 100 GHz
2007 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium :547-550
Juli 200784.
Liu, Duixian; Zwick, Thomas; Pfeiffer, Ullrich; Gaucher, Brian
Broadband Planar Millimeter Wave Dipole with Flip-Chip Interconnect.
IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation :5047-5050
Juni 200783.
Valdes-Garcia, Alberto; Reynolds, Scott; Pfeiffer, Ullrich R.
A 60GHz Class-E Power Amplifier in SiGe
2006 IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference :199-202
Mai 200782.
Goren, D.
A 23dBm 60GHz Distributed Active Transformer in a Silicon Process Technology
Mai 200781.
Magerlein, J.H.; Hoivik, N.; Liu, D.; Jahnes, C.V.; Cotte, J. M.; Tsang, C.; Patel, C.; Grzyb, J.; Knickerbocker, J.; Gaucher, B.
Versatile Low-Cost Si-based mmWave Design Platform.
Microsystems Technology Symposium, San Jose, CA.
März 200780.
Floyd, B.; Reynolds, S.; Valdes-Garcia, A.; Haymes, C.; Katayama, Y.; Nakano, D.; Beukema, T.; Gaucher, B.; Soyuer, M.
Silicon Millimeter-Wave Radio Circuits at 60-100 GHz
2007 Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems :213-218
März 200779.
Floyd, B.; Gaucher, B.; Reynolds, S.; Valdes-Garcia, A.; Liu, D.; Grzyb, J.; Hoivik, N.; Jagannathan, B.
SiGe vs. CMOS for 60-100 GHz: Technology, Circuits, Packages, and Systems.
Govt. Microcircuit Applications Conf. Dig. Papers
März 200778.
Pfeiffer, Ullrich R.
A 20dBm Fully-Integrated 60GHz SiGe Power Amplifier with Automatic Level Control
European Solid-State Circuits Conference :356-359
Februar 200777.
Zhukovsky, S. V.; Chigrin, D. N.; Lavrinenko, A. V.; Kroha, J.
Switchable lasing in multimode microcavities
Phys. Rev. Lett., 99 (7) :073902
Boucher, Y. G.; Lavrinenko, A. V.; Chigrin, D. N.
Out-of-phase coupled periodic waveguides: a "couplonic" approach
Opt. Quantum Electron, 39 :837-847
Zhukovsky, S. V.; Chigrin, D. N.; Lavrinenko, A. V.; Kroha, J.
Selective lasing in multimode periodic and non-periodic nanopillar waveguides
Phys. Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Phys, 244 (4) :1211-1218
Busch, K.; Chigrin, D. N.
Papers presented at the 386th Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar (Preface).
Phys. Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Phys, 244 (10) :3417-3418