

08:30 – 10:30 |ihct - GHF

The date and location for the "Grundlagen der Hochfrequenztechnik (GHF)" exam have been set.

The exam "Grundlagen der Hochfrequenztechnik (GHF)" will take place on 2025-03-06 at 08:30am in HS 14.

If there are more candidates than the number of examination places available in the lecture hall, we will switch to lecture hall 30 in building I. Please be there in good time on the day of the exam so that you can change lecture halls if necessary before the exam begins.

Duration of the exam: 120 min. (2 time hours).

The exam will again contain 40% comprehension questions and 60% math problems.

Permitted aids: documents provided (standardized formulary, pre-prepared solution sheets as well as tasks handed out for the exam), a non-programmable calculator and drawing material.

In addition, no devices that can connect to the Internet are permitted, in particular the cell phone/smartphone is not considered a calculator! Solutions are only valid on the front page! The solution sheets handed out must remain stapled together. If necessary, additional solution sheets can be requested. Do not use your own sheets. If the set of solution sheets is not complete, the exam will not be graded.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Keller in good time.

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