Takes place only in the winter semester
Optical Imaging and Sensing - German Title: Bildgebung und Sensorik / (OIS)
Study programs:
Compulsory course for Bachelor EE IT, and in the module Advanced Electrical Engineering I of the Master EE, elective course for Industrial Engineering and Management Electrical Engineering in the module elective course Communication Systems
- Module number FBE0056
Learning outcomes / competencies:
The ability of mathematical modeling of optical systems is taught. The students acquire in-depth knowledge for research and development.
Maxwell equation and waves, Geometrical imaging / Optical elements, Focal imaging / Projection tomography,Wave imaging / Wave propagation, Diffraction / Wave analysis of optical elements, Fourier analysis of imaging,Coherent imaging / Optical coherent tomography, Radiometry, sources for imaging (optical/electronic), Thermalsources, Plank black-body-radiation, matter waves, Imaging: X-rays, optical, thermal, THz-waves, micro-waves,atmospheric absorption, Antenna theory, directivity, gain, efficiency, radiation pattern, Friis formular, pathloss /Radar equation, radar cross-section, Imaging detectors (optical/electronic) / Photoconductive/photovoltaic de-tectors, Square-law detectors, heterodyne receivers, resistive mixers, dristributed resistive mixers, Electronicnoise, thermal noise, shot noise, 1/f noise, Imaging SNR, responsivity, noise-equivalent power, noise figure,Radar, pulsed radar, CW radar, FMCW radar, range resolution, ambiguity function, phased arrays, radar for 3Dimaging, Image sampling, THz tomography, radon transformation, algorithm examples, image examples
Learning objective:
Where do you need these skills in our research activities?
Event location
08:30 - 10:00 am, FE 00.01
12:15 am - 2:45 pm, FE 00.01
Consulting hour
By arrangement
Oct 09th, 2023
First lecture 8:30 am, FE 00.01
PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Miguel Heredia Conde