Exam - KMT
The date and the premises of the exam "Kommunikationstechnik (KMT)" have been announced.
The exam "Kommunikationstechnik (KMT)" will take place on 2025-03-27 from 08:00am in HS 33.
Duration of the exam: 180 min. (3 hours)
No devices that can connect to the Internet are permitted, in particular mobile phones/smartphones are not considered to be calculators!
Please note the following changes for the written exam:
- A handwritten collection of formulae only is permitted, without drawings (two A4 pages, written on one side or one sheet written on both sides)
- Blocks with solution sheets will be issued, which must remain stapled together. These are numbered. All solution sheets must be returned complete. You will receive a sheet as scratch paper, which will also be collected at the end of the exam. If anything is missing, the exam will not be marked
- Only solutions on the front of the solution sheets will be graded
- Only drawing materials, calculators, ID cards and catering are allowed at the examination area. Everything else (bags, caps, jackets, ...) must be left at the board level
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Keller in good time.
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