Exam - KMT


10:00 – 13:00 |ihct - Klausur

The date and the premises of the exam "Kommunikationstechnik (KMT)" have been announced.

The exam "Kommunikationstechnik (KMT)" will take place on 2024-08-23 from 10:00am in HS 33.
Duration of the exam: 180 min. (3 hours)

Permitted aids: handwritten pure formulary without drawings (two A4 pages, written on one side or one page double sided), a non-programmable calculator and drawing material.

In addition, no devices that can contact the Internet are allowed, in particular, the cell phone / smartphone is not considered a calculator! You can save time in the exam if you prepare solution sheets labeled with your name and matriculation number. To do this, leave a margin of approx. 4-5 cm on the left for stapling and our corrections and only use the front sides of the sheets for solving in the exam.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Keller in good time.

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