Best Paper Award for researchers from Uni Wuppertal

21.02.2013|08:38 Uhr

The research group of Prof. U. Pfeiffer will enjoy the "2012 ISSCC Jan Van Vessem Award for Outstanding European Paper" of the IEEE Int. Solid-State Circ. Conf (ISSCC).

The organizers of the IEEE Int. Solid-State Circ. Conf (ISSCC) awarded the publication:

A 1kpixel CMOS Camera Chip for 25fps Real-Time THz Imaging Applications,
Hani Sherry(1,2,3), Janusz Grzyb(2), Yan Zhao(2), Richard Al Hadi(2), Andreia Cathelin(1), Andreas Kaiser(3), and Ullrich Pfeiffer(2)

(1) STMicroelectronics, Crolles, France
(2) University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany
(3) ISEN/IEMN, Lille, France

at ISSCC 2013 (Feb. 17. - 21., 2013, San Francisco) with the 2012 ISSCC Jan Van Vessem Award for Outstanding European Paper.