Invitation to the IHCT-Lab Opening Ceremony

30.06.2010|14:00 Uhr

We are happy to invite you to join our IHCT-Lab opening ceremony on July 8th 2010 in Wuppertal.


  • 02:00 pm - Welcome speech, dean of the department E,
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Tibken, Lecure Hall FZH 3
  • 02:15 pm - Welcome speech, Prof. Ullrich Pfeiffer and german talk, "Bausteine für das Terahertz-Imaging - Ein neues Fenster für Bilder vom scheinbar Unsichtbarem"
  • 02:45 pm - Reception, building FE, room 0.01
  • 03:00 pm - Guided tour through the ihct-Lab
  • 04:00 pm - Closing remarks

Best regards

Prof. Dr. U. Pfeiffer

contact: Sekretary, Ms. M. Grabowski, Tel. :0202 - 439 -1452, Email: mgrabows[at]