Terahertz-Light Field Camera Prototyp

![[Translate to English:] Terahertz Lichtfeld Kamera Prototyp [Translate to English:] Terahertz Lichtfeld Kamera Prototyp](/fileadmin/_processed_/d/5/csm_THz-LFI-Prototype_99b5c8d307.jpg)
![[Translate to English:] Terahertz Lichtfeld Kamera Prototyp Seitenansicht [Translate to English:] Terahertz Lichtfeld Kamera Prototyp Seitenansicht](/fileadmin/_processed_/4/f/csm_THz-LFI-sideview_c1f112f395.jpg)
Light-field has traditionally been a domain of visible light computational imaging. Our chair is leading the development of light-field methodologies for the THz spectrum, bringing new foundational understanding and hardware capabilities for bridging the terahertz gap.
Currently, we are building the first ever THz light-field camera prototype - which consists of a 3x3 super-array of lens coupled 1k-pixel THz CMOS cameras - in a single package. The CMOS camera chip is presented in the International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 2021. The figure shows the prototype of the light field array. The prototype serves as the hardware platform for the development of light-field based real-time THz 3-D imaging techniques.
Preliminary work
- 2004
De Gersem, H.; Mühle, C.; Clemens, M.; Moritz, G.; Weiland, T.
Numerical Simulation of the Eddy Currents in the Rutherford-Cable of a Fast-Pulsed Dipole Magnet
In: A. Andreone, G.P. Pepe, R. Cristiano, G. Masullo (eds.), Applied Superconductivity 2003, Institute of Physics, Conference Series Number 181, Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS 2003), Sorrento, Italy :1975-1982
September 2004ISBN: 0-7503-09814
Reynolds, Scott; Floyd, Brian; Pfeiffer, Ullrich; Zwick, Thomas
60GHz Transceiver Circuits in SiGe Bipolar Technology
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference :1-10
September 2004574.
Honarbacht, Arasch; Rauschert, Peter; Kummert, Anton
Building blocks enabling high-performance switching in wireless multi-hop networks
of the International Symposium of Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS'04)
Publisher: Port-Louis, Mauritius
September 2004573.
Rauschert, Peter; Honarbacht, Arasch; Kummert, Anton
On the IEEE 802.11 IBSS and its timer synchronization function in multi-hop ad hoc networks
of the International Symposium of Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS'04)
Publisher: Port-Louis, Mauritius
September 2004572.
Pieper, Mirco; Kummert, Anton
Kalman Filter and 3D coordinate transform based image prediction
of the 4th IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP'04), Page 556 - 560
Publisher: Marbella, Spain
September 2004571.
Honarbacht, Arasch; Rauschert, Peter; Kummert, Anton
Building blocks enabling high-performance switching in wireless multi-hop networks
of the International Symposium of Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS'04)
Publisher: Port-Louis, Mauritius
September 2004570.
Pieper, Mirco; Kummert, Anton
Kalman Filter and 3D coordinate transform based image prediction
of the 4th IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP'04), Page 556 - 560
Publisher: Marbella, Spain
September 2004569.
Rauschert, Peter; Honarbacht, Arasch; Kummert, Anton
On the IEEE 802.11 IBSS and its timer synchronization function in multi-hop ad hoc networks
of the International Symposium of Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS'04)
Publisher: Port-Louis, Mauritius
September 2004568.
Fichte, L. O.; Clemens, M.
Field Properties of Conductive Rectangular Plates in External Magnetic Field
4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Environmental Electromagnetics (CEEM 2006), Dalian, VCR, CEEM Conference Proceeding (IEEE Catalog Number 06Ex1306, Library of Congress 2006920854), 2 :636-639
August 2004ISBN: 1-4244-0183-6
Velten, Jörg; Kummert, Anton
Implementation of a high-performance hardware architecture for binary morphological image processing operations
, of the 47th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS'04)Volume2, Page 241 - 244
Publisher: Hiroshima, Japan
July 2004566.
Velten, Jörg; Kummert, Anton
Implementation of a high-performance hardware architecture for binary morphological image processing operations
, of the 47th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS'04)Volume2, Page 241 - 244
Publisher: Hiroshima, Japan
July 2004565.
Velten, Jörg; Kummert, Anton
Embedding binary mathematical morphology into a multidimensional systems theory framework
of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS'04)
Publisher: Leuven, Belgium
July 2004564.
Velten, Jörg; Kummert, Anton
Embedding binary mathematical morphology into a multidimensional systems theory framework
of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS'04)
Publisher: Leuven, Belgium
July 2004563.
Zwick, T.; Baks, C.; Pfeiffer, U.R.; Liu, D.; Gaucher, B.P.
Gaucher Probe Based MMW Antenna Measurement Setup
IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation
June 2004562.
Gaucher, B.; Beukema, T.; Reynolds, S.; Floyd, B.; Zwick, T.; Liu, D.; Cressler, J.
MM-Wave Transceivers Using SiGe HBT Technology
5th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems :81-84
June 2004561.
Reynolds, S.; Floyd, B.
A 77 GHz SiGe Power Amplier for Potential Applications in Automotive Radar Systems, Fort Worth, Texas.
IEEE Radio Frequency IC Symposium (P. 91-94) :91-94
June 2004560.
Krips, Marco; Teuner, Andreas; Velten, Jörg; Kummert, Anton
AdTM tracking for blind spot collision avoidance
of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV'04), Page 544 - 548
Publisher: Parma, Italy
June 2004559.
Murashko, I.; Krips, Marco
New approach to minimize power consumption for self-testing reprogrammable digital systems
Transactions of Belarussian Engineering Academy, 1(17) (1) :36 - 39
June 2004558.
Krips, Marco; Teuner, Andreas; Velten, Jörg; Kummert, Anton
AdTM tracking for blind spot collision avoidance
of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV'04), Page 544 - 548
Publisher: Parma, Italy
June 2004557.
Zankovich, A.; Pieper, Mirco
Transparent testing of word-oriented memories for DSP-systems
Transactions of Belarussian Engineering Academy, 1(17) (2) :12 - 14
June 2004556.
Ivaniuk, Alexander; Rauschert, Peter
On-line memory checking for mobile applications
Transactions of Belarussian Engineering Academy, 1(17) (3) :22 - 24
June 2004555.
Honarbacht, Arasch; Rauschert, Peter; Kummert, Anton
Architecture for a wireless multihop network providing quality of service guarantees
of the International Workshop on Multimedia Communications and Services (MCS'04), Page 43 - 48
Publisher: Krakow, Poland
May 2004554.
De Gersem, H.; Wilke, M.; Clemens, M.; Yuan, J.; Weiland, T.
Simulation of Eddy Current Losses in the Nuclotron Magnet Yoke Using the Finite Integration Technique
GSI Scientific Report 2003, Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) mbH, Darmstadt
May 2004
ISSN: 0174-0814553.
Honarbacht, Arasch; Rauschert, Peter; Kummert, Anton
Architecture for a wireless multihop network providing quality of service guarantees
of the International Workshop on Multimedia Communications and Services (MCS'04), Page 43 - 48
Publisher: Krakow, Poland
May 2004552.
Rauschert, Peter; Honarbacht, Arasch; Kummert, Anton
Performance analysis of the IEEE 802.11 timer synchronization function when applied to multi-hop ad hoc networks
of the International Workshop on Multimedia Communications and Services (MCS'04), Page 65 - 70
Publisher: Krakow, Poland
May 2004