Terahertz-Light Field Camera Prototyp

18.02.2021|10:00 Uhr

Terahertz-Light Field Camera Prototyp

Light-field cameras record both the brightness and direction of the incident light rays. This spatiodirectional information can be post-processed for a dynamic focal point adjustment and 3-D imaging.

Light-field has traditionally been a domain of visible light computational imaging. Our chair is leading the development of light-field methodologies for the THz spectrum, bringing new foundational understanding and hardware capabilities for bridging the terahertz gap.

Currently, we are building the first ever THz light-field camera prototype - which consists of a 3x3 super-array of lens coupled 1k-pixel THz CMOS cameras - in a single package. The CMOS camera chip is presented in the International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 2021. The figure shows the prototype of the light field array. The prototype serves as the hardware platform for the development of light-field based real-time THz 3-D imaging techniques.

Preliminary work



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