Terahertz-Light Field Camera Prototyp

![[Translate to English:] Terahertz Lichtfeld Kamera Prototyp [Translate to English:] Terahertz Lichtfeld Kamera Prototyp](/fileadmin/_processed_/d/5/csm_THz-LFI-Prototype_99b5c8d307.jpg)
![[Translate to English:] Terahertz Lichtfeld Kamera Prototyp Seitenansicht [Translate to English:] Terahertz Lichtfeld Kamera Prototyp Seitenansicht](/fileadmin/_processed_/4/f/csm_THz-LFI-sideview_c1f112f395.jpg)
Light-field has traditionally been a domain of visible light computational imaging. Our chair is leading the development of light-field methodologies for the THz spectrum, bringing new foundational understanding and hardware capabilities for bridging the terahertz gap.
Currently, we are building the first ever THz light-field camera prototype - which consists of a 3x3 super-array of lens coupled 1k-pixel THz CMOS cameras - in a single package. The CMOS camera chip is presented in the International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 2021. The figure shows the prototype of the light field array. The prototype serves as the hardware platform for the development of light-field based real-time THz 3-D imaging techniques.
Preliminary work
- 2008
Holtz, J.; Oikonomou, N.
Neutral point potential balancing algorithm at low modulation index for three-level inverter medium voltage drives
2008 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Page 1246-1252 Vol. 2
2008ISBN: 0197-2618
Holtz, J.
Initial Rotor Polarity Detection and Sensorless Control of PM Synchronous Machines
2008 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Page 2040--2047
2008ISBN: 0197-2618
Schmuelling, B.; Lessmann, M.; van der Giet, M.; Hameyer, K.
Proposals for the use of Magnetic Guideways for Vertical Transportation
International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation (IJEET), 4 (1) :9-13
January 2008
ISSN: 1773-9357923.
Clemens, M.; Wimmer, G.; Teleaga, D.; Lang, J.
Space and Time Adaptive Calculation of Transient 3D Magnetic Fields
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Proceedings of the ENUMATH 2007, 7th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Graz, Austria, 10.-14.09.2007, K. Kunisch, G. Of, O-Steinbach; Eds., Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg :109-116
2008ISBN: 978-3-540-69776-3
Juliet, J.; Holtz, J.
Sensorless acquisition of the rotor position angle for induction motors with arbitrary stator windings
2008 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Page 1321-1328 vol.2
2008ISBN: 0197-2618
Rösmann, Tobias; Soter, Stefan
Regenerative Operation of DC-Series Machines in Pitchsystems for Multimegawatt Windturbines
2008 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Page 1--7
2008ISBN: 0197-2618
Oikonomou, N.; Holtz, J.
Stator Flux Trajectory Tracking Control for High-Performance Drives
2008 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Page 1268--1275
2008ISBN: 0197-2618
Li, Yingbo; Kummert, Anton; Boschen, Fritz; Herzog, H.
Interpolation-Based Reconstruction Methods for Tomographic Imaging in 3D Positron Emission Tomography
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science - Applied Image Processing, 18 (1) :21 - 31
Publisher: Zielona Góra: University of Zielona Góra Press918.
Wlas, M.; Abu-Rub, H.; Holtz, J.
Speed sensorless nonlinear control of induction motor in the field weakening region
2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Page 1084--1089
Tutsch, Dietmar; Hommel, Günter
MLMIN: A Multicore Processor and Parallel Computer Network Topology for Multicast
Computers and Operations Research (C&OR) Journal, 35 (12) :3807--3821
December 2008
Publisher: Elsevier916.
Wegener, Ralf; Gruber, Sebastian; Nötzold, Kilian; Soter, Stefan
Optimization of a Low-Cost Position Sensor for a Permanent Magnet Linear Drive
PCIM Asia 2008
Holtz, J.; Oikonomou, N.
Optimal Control of a Dual Three-Level Inverter System for Medium-Voltage Drives
, 2008 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual MeetingVolume46, Page 1--8
2008ISBN: 0197-2618
- 2007
Hoivik, N.; Liu, D.; Jahnes, C.V.; Cotte, J.M.; Tsang, C.; Patel, C.; Grzyb, J.; Knickerbocker, J.; Magerlein, J.H.; Gaucher, B.
High-Efficiency 60 GHz Antenna Fabricated Using Low-Cost Silicon Micromachining Techniques
2007 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium :5043-5046
December 2007913.
Dai, Xun; Kummert, Anton; Park, Su-Birm; Iurgel, Uri
Vehicle Centroid Estimation Based on Radar Multiple Detections
of the IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES'07), Page 93 - 99
Publisher: Beijing, China
December 2007912.
Dai, Xun; Kummert, Anton; Park, Su-Birm; Iurgel, Uri
Vehicle Centroid Estimation Based on Radar Multiple Detections
of the IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES'07), Page 93 - 99
Publisher: Beijing, China
December 2007911.
Meuter, Mirko; Müller, Dennis; Müller-Schneiders, Stefan; Iurgel, Uri; Park, Su-Birm; Kummert, Anton
Pedestrian tracking from a moving host using corner points
of the 3rd International Symposium Advanced in Visual Computing (ISVC'07), Page 367-376
Publisher: Lake Tahoe, NV, USA
November 2007910.
Meuter, Mirko; Müller, Dennis; Müller-Schneiders, Stefan; Iurgel, Uri; Park, Su-Birm; Kummert, Anton
Pedestrian tracking from a moving host using corner points
of the 3rd International Symposium Advanced in Visual Computing (ISVC'07), Page 367-376
Publisher: Lake Tahoe, NV, USA
November 2007909.
SiGe Power Amplifier Design Concepts for mmWave Applications, Invited Presentation, European Microwave Week.
Workshop on 60GHz Short Range Communication Systems and Circuits, Munich, Germany
October 2007908.
Ma, Guanglin; Park, Su-Birm; Müller-Schneiders, Stefan; Kummert, Anton
Real time low-level pedestrian detection on a moving car
of the 14th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS'07)
Publisher: Beijing, China
October 2007907.
Ma, Guanglin; Park, Su-Birm; Müller-Schneiders, Stefan; Kummert, Anton
Real time low-level pedestrian detection on a moving car
of the 14th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS'07)
Publisher: Beijing, China
October 2007906.
Bochniak, Jacek; Galkowski, Krzysztof; Rogers, Eric; Kummert, Anton
Control Law Design for Switched Repetitive Processes with a Metal Rolling Example
of the IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA'07), Page 700 - 705
Publisher: Singapore
October 2007905.
Large-signal modeling in high-power SiGe mmWave and THz Applications Invited Presentation.
Workshop on Compact Modeling for RF/Microwave Applications, BCTM, Boston, US
October 2007904.
Bochniak, Jacek; Galkowski, Krzysztof; Rogers, Eric; Kummert, Anton
Control Law Design for Switched Repetitive Processes with a Metal Rolling Example
of the IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA'07), Page 700 - 705
Publisher: Singapore
October 2007903.
Schauland, Sam; Velten, Jörg; Kummert, Anton
3D velocity filters for the detection of moving objects in image sequences
of the 15th Conference on European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO'07), Page 326 - 329
Publisher: Poznan, Poland
September 2007902.
Haselhoff, Anselm; Kummert, Anton; Schneider, Georg
Radar-vision fusion for vehicle detection by means of improved haar-like feature and AdaBoost approach
2007 15th European Signal Processing Conference, Page 2070-2074
September 2007