Terahertz-Light Field Camera Prototyp

18.02.2021|10:00 Uhr

Terahertz-Light Field Camera Prototyp

Light-field cameras record both the brightness and direction of the incident light rays. This spatiodirectional information can be post-processed for a dynamic focal point adjustment and 3-D imaging.

Light-field has traditionally been a domain of visible light computational imaging. Our chair is leading the development of light-field methodologies for the THz spectrum, bringing new foundational understanding and hardware capabilities for bridging the terahertz gap.

Currently, we are building the first ever THz light-field camera prototype - which consists of a 3x3 super-array of lens coupled 1k-pixel THz CMOS cameras - in a single package. The CMOS camera chip is presented in the International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 2021. The figure shows the prototype of the light field array. The prototype serves as the hardware platform for the development of light-field based real-time THz 3-D imaging techniques.

Preliminary work



Grzyb, Janusz; Zhao, Yan; Al Hadi, Richard; Pfeiffer, Ullrich
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Best Paper Award (Antenna Application), EuCAP 2014, The Hague, The Netherlands
April 2014


Schwerdtfeger, Tim; Velten, Jörg; Kummert, Anton
A multidimensional wave digital filter bank for video-based motion analysis
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, 25 (2) :295 - 311
April 2014


Morf, Thomas; Klein, Bernhard; Despont, Michel; Drechsler, Ute; Kull, Lukas; Coros, Dan; Elad, Danny; Kaminski, Noam; Pfeiffer, Ullrich R.; Al Hadi, Richard; Keller, Hans M.; Braendli, Matthias; Menolfi, Christian; Kossel, Marcel; Francese, Pier Andrea; Toifl, Thomas; Plettemeier, Dirk
Wide bandwidth room-temperature THz imaging array based on antenna-coupled MOSFET bolometer
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical
March 2014


Layouni, Hicham
Messtechnische Untersuchung von integrierten 820GHz Sende- und Empfangs-Systemen
University of Wuppertal
March 2014


Pfeiffer, Ullrich
"Distinguished Lecturer" für den Zeitraum 2014-2015.
SSCS (Solid State Circuits Society) des IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
March 2014


Clemens, M.; Cimala, C.; Runke, S.; Streckert, J.; Zang, M.
The Coupled MoM/FITD Approach for Electrically Large Problems in Numerical EMC Testing
Invited. Ninth International Conference on the Computation in Electromagnetics (CEM 2014), London, United Kingdom, 31.03.-01.04.2014. One-page abstract
March 2014


Zang, M.; Hansen, V.; Pfeiffer, U.; Spathmann, O.; Statnikov, K.; Streckert, J.; Clemens, M.
Development and Application of Electromagnetic Field Excitation Models for Dosimetry Studies in the THz Range
Ninth International Conference on the Computation in Electromagnetics (CEM 2014), London, United Kingdom, 31.03.-01.04.2014. Two-page paper
March 2014


Zang, Martin; Hansen, Volkert; Pfeiffer, Ullrich; Statnikov, Konstantin; Streckert, Joachim
Development and application of electromagnetic field excitation models for dosimetry studies in the THz range
9th IET International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics (CEM 2014), Page 1-2
March 2014


Al Hadi, Richard
Terahertz Integrated Circuits in Silicon Technologies
University of Wuppertal
February 2014


Vulcan, Iuliu-Sebastian
Entwicklung eines geeigneten Ersatzschaltmodells von Li-Ionen-Batterien und anschlie
February 2014


Celikkan, Asli
Optimierung der Design-Parameter einer Spule unter Verwendung der Finiten-Elemente-Methode
February 2014


Fechtner, Heiko
Analyse der potentiellen Einflussgrößen auf die Reichweite von Elektrofahrzeuge mit dem Schwerpunkt Fahrzeuggewicht
February 2014


Pfeiffer, Ullrich R.; Zhao, Yan; Grzyb, Janusz; Al Hadi, Richard; Sarmah, Neelanjan; Förster, Wolfgang; Rücker, Holger; Heinemann, Bernd
A 0.53THz Reconfigurable Source Array with up to 1mW Radiated Power for Terahertz Imaging Applications in 0.13μm SiGe BiCMOS
International Solid-State Circuits Conference - ISSCC 2014, Conference Publication :256-257
February 2014


Schmidthäusler, D.; Schöps, S.; Clemens, M.
Linear Subspace Reduction for Quasistatic Field Simulations to Accelerate Repeated Computations (Presented at:19 th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG 2013), Budapest, Ungarn, 30.06.-04.07.2013)
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 50 (2)
February 2014
ISSN: 0018-9464


Richter, C.; Schöps, S.; Clemens, M.
GPU Acceleration of Algebraic Multigrid Preconditioners for Discrete Elliptic Field Problems (Presented at: 19th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG 2013), Budapest, Ungarn, 30.06.-04.07.2013)
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 50 (2)
February 2014
ISSN: 0018-9464


Wang, Ying; Ewert, Daniel; Meisen, Tobias; Schilberg, Daniel; Jeschke, Sabina
Working Area Monitoring in Dynamic Environments Using Multiple Auto-aligning 3-D Sensor
Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, 3 :113—120


Wang, Ying; Ewert, Daniel; Meisen, Tobias; Schilberg, Daniel; Jeschke, Sabina
Working Area Monitoring in Dynamic Environments Using Multiple Auto-aligning 3-D Sensor
Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, 3 :113—120


Schilberg, Daniel; Meisen, Tobias; Reinhard, Rudolf
Virtuelle Produktion — Die Virtual Production Intelligence im Einsatz
Exploring Virtuality :93—110


Schilberg, Daniel; Meisen, Tobias; Reinhard, Rudolf
Virtuelle Produktion – Die Virtual Production Intelligence im Einsatz
Exploring Virtuality :93—110


Wang, Ying; Ewert, Daniel; Meisen, Tobias; Schilberg, Daniel; Jeschke, Sabina
Working Area Monitoring in Dynamic Environments Using Multiple Auto-aligning 3-D Sensor
Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, 3 :113—120


Reinhard, Rudolf; Al-Khawli, Toufik; Eppelt, Urs; Meisen, Tobias; Schilberg, Daniel; Schulz, Wolfgang; Jeschke, Sabina
The Contribution of Virtual Production Intelligence to Laser Cutting Planning Processes
In Zaeh, Michael F., Editor, Enabling Manufacturing Competitiveness and Economic Sustainability, Page 117—123
In Zaeh, Michael F., Editor
Publisher: Springer, Cham


Schilberg, Daniel; Meisen, Tobias; Reinhard, Rudolf
Virtuelle Produktion – Die Virtual Production Intelligence im Einsatz
Exploring Virtuality :93—110


Callou, Gustavo; Maciel, Paulo; Tutsch, Dietmar
A Modeling Framework to Evaluate and Optimize Data Center Sustainability, Dependability and Cost
, EnergiesVolume7, Page 238--277
Publisher: Open Access Journal
January 2014


Büscher, Christian; Voet, Hanno; Meisen, Tobias; Krunke, Moritz; Kreisköther, Kai; Kampker, Achim; Schilberg, Daniel; Jeschke, Sabina
Improving Factory Planning by Analyzing Process Dependencies
Procedia CIRP, 17 :38—43
ISSN: 22128271


Büscher, Christian; Voet, Hanno; Meisen, Tobias; Krunke, Moritz; Kreisköther, Kai; Kampker, Achim; Schilberg, Daniel; Jeschke, Sabina
Improving Factory Planning by Analyzing Process Dependencies
Procedia CIRP, 17 :38—43
ISSN: 22128271

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