Terahertz-Light Field Camera Prototyp

![[Translate to English:] Terahertz Lichtfeld Kamera Prototyp [Translate to English:] Terahertz Lichtfeld Kamera Prototyp](/fileadmin/_processed_/d/5/csm_THz-LFI-Prototype_99b5c8d307.jpg)
![[Translate to English:] Terahertz Lichtfeld Kamera Prototyp Seitenansicht [Translate to English:] Terahertz Lichtfeld Kamera Prototyp Seitenansicht](/fileadmin/_processed_/4/f/csm_THz-LFI-sideview_c1f112f395.jpg)
Light-field has traditionally been a domain of visible light computational imaging. Our chair is leading the development of light-field methodologies for the THz spectrum, bringing new foundational understanding and hardware capabilities for bridging the terahertz gap.
Currently, we are building the first ever THz light-field camera prototype - which consists of a 3x3 super-array of lens coupled 1k-pixel THz CMOS cameras - in a single package. The CMOS camera chip is presented in the International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 2021. The figure shows the prototype of the light field array. The prototype serves as the hardware platform for the development of light-field based real-time THz 3-D imaging techniques.
Preliminary work
- 2006
Bochniak, Jacek; Galkowski, Krzysztof; Rogers, Eric; Kummert, Anton
Robust stabilization of discrete linear repetitive processes with switched dynamics
International Journal of applied mathematics and computer science, AMCS, 16 (4) :101 - 122
Publisher: University of Zielona Góra Press700.
Bochniak, Jacek; Galkowski, Krzysztof; Rogers, Eric; Kummert, Anton
Robust stabilization of discrete linear repetitive processes with switched dynamics
International Journal of applied mathematics and computer science, AMCS, 16 (4) :101 - 122
Publisher: University of Zielona Góra Press699.
Tutsch, Dietmar
Dynamisch rekonfigurierbare parallele Rechnerarchitekturen
April 2006698.
Iurgel, Uri; Park, Su-Birm; Schauland, Sam
Vision-based Pedestrian Detection: Efficient Classification and Improved Evaluation of Performance
Document Number: 1960
VDI, Wolfsburg, Germany
VDI-Berichte Nr. 1960. S. 625-638. Tagung, Wolfsburg, 12.-13.10.2006. VDI-Verlag
2006- 2005
Galkowski, Krzysztof; Kummert, Anton; Cichy, Błażej; Rogers, Eric
Stability and stabilisation of acausal discrete linear repetitive processes
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM'05), 5 (1) :155 - 156
December 2005
Publisher: Wiley - VCH Verlag696.
Paszke, Wojciech; Galkowski, Krzysztof; Kummert, Anton; Rogers, Eric; Owens, D.
Mixed H2/Hinf and robust control of differential linear repetitive processes
of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC'05), Page 7900 - 7905
Publisher: Seville, Spain
December 2005695.
Paszke, Wojciech; Galkowski, Krzysztof; Kummert, Anton; Rogers, Eric; Owens, D.
Mixed H2/Hinf and robust control of differential linear repetitive processes
of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC'05), Page 7900 - 7905
Publisher: Seville, Spain
December 2005694.
Li, Yingbo; Kummert, Anton; Boschen, Fritz; Herzog, H.
Investigation on projection signals in 3D PET systems
of the 12th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICMBE'05)
Publisher: Singapore
December 2005693.
Li, Yingbo; Kummert, Anton; Boschen, Fritz; Herzog, H.
Investigation on projection signals in 3D PET systems
of the 12th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICMBE'05)
Publisher: Singapore
December 2005692.
Galkowski, Krzysztof; Kummert, Anton; Cichy, Blazej; Rogers, Eric
Stability and stabilisation of acausal discrete linear repetitive processes
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM'05), 5 (1) :155 - 156
December 2005
Publisher: Wiley - VCH Verlag691.
Bochniak, Jacek; Galkowski, Krzysztof; Rogers, Eric; Kummert, Anton
Numerically efficient stabilization of switched repetitive processes
of Computer Methods and Systems: Special Session on Numerics in Modern Systems - Theory and Applications (CMS'05), Page 217-222
Publisher: Krakow, Poland
November 2005690.
Boschen, Fritz; Kummert, Anton; Rathjen, D.
Convolution based fast algorithms for simulation of sonar signals
of Computer Methods and Systems: Numerics in Modern Systems Theory and Applications (CMS'05), Page 201 - 204
Publisher: Krakow, Poland
November 2005689.
Boschen, Fritz; Kummert, Anton; Rathjen, D.
Convolution based fast algorithms for simulation of sonar signals
of Computer Methods and Systems: Numerics in Modern Systems Theory and Applications (CMS'05), Page 201 - 204
Publisher: Krakow, Poland
November 2005688.
Gaucher, B.P.; Reynolds, S.K.; Floyd, B.A.; Pfeiffer, U.R.; Beukema, T.J.; Zwick, T.; Grzyb, J.; Liu, D.
Beyond Gigabit Wireless: Silicon Enabled, Fully Integrated mmWave Transceivers
European microwave Conference - Invited Paper, Paris, France
October 2005687.
Clemens, M.; Helias, M.; Steinmetz, T.; Wimmer, G.
Acceleration of Transient Electro- and Magnetoquasistatic Field Simulations Using Subspace Recycling Technique
Proceedings of the XII International Symposium on Electro-magnetics Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ISEF 2005), Baiona, Vigo, Spain. X. Lopez-Fernández, S. Wiak, A. Krawczyk, Eds.
September 2005ISBN: 84-609-7057-4
Goren, D.; Floyd, B.A.; Reynolds, S.K.
SiGe Transformer Matched Power Amplifier for Operation at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies Grenoble, France.
European Solid-State Circuits Conference :141-144
September 2005685.
Li, Yingbo; Kummert, Anton; Boschen, Fritz; Herzog, H.
Analysis on spectral properties of projection signals in 3D tomography
of the 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS'05)
Publisher: Shanghai, China
September 2005684.
Li, Yingbo; Kummert, Anton; Boschen, Fritz; Herzog, H.
Analysis on spectral properties of projection signals in 3D tomography
of the 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS'05)
Publisher: Shanghai, China
September 2005683.
Cichy, Blazej; Galkowski, Krzysztof; Kummert, Anton; Rogers, Eric
Control of discrete linear repetitive processes with variable parameter uncertainty
of the 2nd International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO'05), Page 37 - 42
Publisher: Barcelona, Spain
September 2005682.
Cichy, Błażej; Galkowski, Krzysztof; Kummert, Anton; Rogers, Eric
Control of discrete linear repetitive processes with variable parameter uncertainty
of the 2nd International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO'05), Page 37 - 42
Publisher: Barcelona, Spain
September 2005681.
Reynolds, S.; Floyd, B.; Beukema, T.; Zwick, T.
Design & Compliance Testing of a SiGe WCDMA Receiver IC with Integrated Analog Baseband
Proceedings of the IEEE, S. Reynolds, Vol. 93, No. 9 (P. 1624-1636)
September 2005680.
Welch, B.
Equivalent Circuit Model Extraction of Flip-Chip Ball Interconnects Based on Direct Probing Techniques
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 15, No. 9 (P. 594-596) :594-596
September 2005679.
Hladowski, Lukasz; Galkowski, Krzysztof; Rogers, Eric; Kummert, Anton; Owens, D.
Further results on relaxed pass profile controllability of discrete linear repetitive processes
of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR'05), Page 123 - 128
Publisher: Miedzyzdroje, Poland
August 2005678.
Rauschert, Peter; Kummert, Anton
The predictive timer synchronization function - efficient network synchronization of MANETs
of the 7th IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (SIP'05), Page 262 - 267
Publisher: Honolulu, Hi, USA
August 2005677.
Pieper, Mirco; Kummert, Anton
Image Prediction for virtual environments by means of background image warping and 3D object tracking
of the 8th IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging (CGIM'05), Page 156 - 161
Publisher: Honolulu, Hi, USA
August 2005