Terahertz-Light Field Camera Prototyp

18.02.2021|10:00 Uhr

Terahertz-Light Field Camera Prototyp

Light-field cameras record both the brightness and direction of the incident light rays. This spatiodirectional information can be post-processed for a dynamic focal point adjustment and 3-D imaging.

Light-field has traditionally been a domain of visible light computational imaging. Our chair is leading the development of light-field methodologies for the THz spectrum, bringing new foundational understanding and hardware capabilities for bridging the terahertz gap.

Currently, we are building the first ever THz light-field camera prototype - which consists of a 3x3 super-array of lens coupled 1k-pixel THz CMOS cameras - in a single package. The CMOS camera chip is presented in the International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 2021. The figure shows the prototype of the light field array. The prototype serves as the hardware platform for the development of light-field based real-time THz 3-D imaging techniques.

Preliminary work



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of the 9th International Workshop on Multidimensional (nD) Systems (nDS'15), Page 66 - 71
Publisher: Vila Real, Portugal
September 2015


Corcos, D.; Kaminski, N.; Shumaker, E.; Markish, O.; Elad, D.; Morf, T.; Drechsler, U.; Silatsa Saha, W. T.; Kull, L.; Wood, K.; Pfeiffer, U. R.; Grzyb, J.
Antenna-Coupled MOSFET Bolometers for Uncooled THz Sensing
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 5 (6) :902-913
August 2015


Fechtner, H.; Teschner, T.; Schmuelling, B.
Range prediction for electric vehicles: real-time payload detection by tire pressure monitoring
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV 2015),
August 2015


Azad, Schaugar
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Smolyar, Oleksiy
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Neumann, Sven
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Grzyb, J.; Sarmah, N.; Pfeiffer, U.R.
A lens-integrated on-chip circular slot antenna for a 240 GHz power source in SiGe technology
Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, 2015 IEEE International Symposium on, Page 2055-2056
Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, 2015 IEEE International Symposium on
Vancouver, BC, USA
July 2015


Cimen, S. G.; Pfannkuchen, A.; Schmuelling, B.
Compensation Considerations for Bidirectional Inductive Charging Systems of Electric Vehicles with Coil Positioning Flexibility
20th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (Compumag 2015)
July 2015


Grzyb, Janusz; Pfeiffer, Ullrich
THz Direct Detector and Heterodyne Receiver Arrays in Silicon Nanoscale Technologies
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves
June 2015


Stahlschmidt, Carsten; von Camen, Sebastian; Gavriilidis, Alexandros; Kummert, Anton
Descending step classification using time-of-flight sensor data
of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV'15), Page 362 - 367
Publisher: Seoul, South Korea
June 2015


Morf, Thomas; Drechsler, Ute; Kull, Lukas; Corcos, Dan; Elad, Danny; Kaminski, Noam; Pfeiffer, Ullrich; Keller, Hans; Grzyb, Janusz; Bischof, Andre; Farserotu, John; Blanc, Nicolas; Rehm, Wolfgang; Pistner, Thomas; Wood, Ken; Coutier, Caroline; Svetlitza, Alexander; Nemirovsky, Yael
Room Temperature THz Camera in micro machined CMOS
German Terahertz Conference :45-46
June 2015


Rodriguez Vazquez, P.; Sarmah, N.; Schultze, T.; Friedrich, B.; Grzyb, J.; Malz, S.; Willms, I.
Dielectric constant extraction using ellipsometry at terahertz frequencies with a SiGe chipset at 240 GHz
German Terahertz Conference :124-125
June 2015


Roumani, K.; Schmuelling, B.
Study on the MTPA Control for a Low Voltage IPMSM
Tenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER 2015),
June 2015


Nuhogullarindan, Alper
Matlab-basierte Optimierungsansätze für die Reichweitenprädiktion von Elektrofahrzeugen
May 2015


RF front-ends for mm-Wave and THz application in SiGe/CMOS
Publisher: International Microwave Symposium
May 2015


Velten, Jörg; Kummert, Anton; Gavriilidis, Alexandros; Boschen, Fritz
2-D signal theoretic investigation of background elimination in visual tomographic reconstruction for safety and enabling health applications
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Page 2377-2380
May 2015


Zatta, Robin
Breitbandige Impedanzanpassung im Basisband für die drahtlose Ultrahochgeschwindigkeitskommunikation
University of Wuppertal
May 2015


Malz, Stefan; Heinemann, Bernd; Lachner, Rudolf; Pfeiffer, Ullrich R.
J-band amplifier design using gain-enhanced cascodes in 0.13 μm SiGe
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 7 (Special Issue 3-4) :339-347
May 2015


Lerchl, A.; Klose, M.; Wilhelm, A. F.; Spathmann, O.; Fiedler, T.; Streckert, J.; Hansen, V.; Clemens, M.
Tumor Promotion by Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields below Exposure Limits for Humans
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 459 (4) :585-590
April 2015


Grzyb, J.; Sarmah, N.; Malz, S.; Heinemann, B.; Pfeiffer, U. R.
A 240-GHz circularly polarized FMCW radar based on a SiGe transceiver with a lens-coupled on-chip antenna
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 7 (3-4) :415–423
April 2015
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISSN: 1759-0795


Grzyb, Janusz; Statnikov, Konstatin; Pfeiffer, Ullrich
A lens-coupled all-silicon integrated 2×2 array of harmonic receivers for THz multi-color active imaging
Proceedings EuCAP 2015, Page 1-5
EuCAP 2015
April 2015


Popp, Alexander
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Michels, Moritz
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Schmuelling, B.; Cimen, S. G.; Demtroeder, J.
Comparative Study of the Transmission Characteristic of Unequal Compensated Inductive Power Supply Systems for Electric Vehicles
Przegląd Eletrotechniczny, 91 (3) :1-4
March 2015
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Ye, H.; Clemens, M.; Seifert, J.
Dimension Reduction for the Design Optimization of Large Scale High-Voltage Devices Using Co-Kriging Surrogate Modelling
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, (Presented in: 16th Biennial Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2014), Annecy, France, 25.-28.05.2014.), 51 (3)
March 2015

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