Update COVID-19 / Corona-Virus

06.04.2020|14:30 Uhr

As of April 6, the following is determined for the summer semester

  • Lectures will start on April 20, 2020, which is binding for all students, but the possibility of being able to provide digital courses earlier than April 6 (as announced) will be waived.
  • Nobody assumes that classroom teaching will be possible in the summer semester in the rooms of the university. In other words, the summer semester is (according to current knowledge) to be purely digital. Further information on this can be found in the lecture announcement or in Moodle.
  • Internships accompanying lectures will be suspended and must be made up for at a later date.
  • If you are unable to attend in August / September, we will check how written exams can be held at that time (this is still open).
  • Various Corona email addresses will be set up for students to contact if they have any questions.
  • The software ZOOM is used as a video portal. Please make yourself familiar with its use, although it is not yet possible to organize it centrally via ZIM (homepage of the manufacturer). Corresponding links will be added to Moodle shortly.
  • The School of Electrical, Information and Media Engineering and the central examination office each have their own FAQ page on this topic (only in german).
  • Please avoid approaching people under 2m distance and stay healthy.