RF electronics laboratory

The RF/electronics laboratory of the IHCT hosts advanced measurement instrumentation and workstations for the electrical characterization of mm-Wave/THz integrated circuits and mixed-signal SoCs. The lab excels in enabling small- and large-signal on-wafer characterization up to very high frequencies in the THz band.
To this end, the lab is equipped with two high-frequency probe-stations placed in a softwall cleanroom, allowing precise direct probing of ICs. The lab includes a 40-GHz VNA and vector network analyzer extender modules for two-port network analysis up to 325 GHz. The measurement capabilities are further extended by various high-power and broadband THz up- and downconverteres, absolute power meters, split-block hollow waveguide components and coaxial microwave probes allowing comprehensive on-waver spectral analysis and power measurements up to 1.1 THz.
The lab is also equipped with instrumentation for full THz-SoC verification including equipment to measure analog/digital interfaces, AD/DA converters, circuit noise, and precise DC properties. Moreover, a custom THz near-field microscope (based on a modified atomic force microscope) for the testing of THz sensor SoCs and for microscopic biomedical THz imaging applications is available.