German Research Foundation (DFG)

Integrierte Graphen-auf-Chip Therahertz Technologie (INTEGRATECH)
Priority Programme - SPP 2314
Support Code: DFG PF 661/20-1
Project Initiator:
Turchinovich, Dmitry, Prof. Dr.
Faculty of Physics - Ultrafast Science
Universität Bielefeld
Michael Gensch, Prof. Dr.
Department Terahertz and Laser Spectroscopy
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Pfeiffer, Ullrich, Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
High Frequency Systems in Communications Technology / Terahertz-Technology, Automotive Radar Systems
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Project Objectives:
In the INTEGRATECH project we aim at demonstrating a new THz technology platform, based on the integration of graphene with novel electronic SiGe HBT/BiCMOS chip technology. In particular, we will use the chip technology to create a sub-THz driving field, and exploit the extreme nonlinear nature of graphene, in order to demonstrate on- chip THz frequency conversion. We believe that this novel THz technology platform will provide new avenues towards on-chip functionalities, such as THz generation, detection, and manipulation. It was recently discovered that graphene possesses gigantic nonlinear coefficients in the THz frequency range, largely surpassing that of any other known functional material. In particular, graphene allows for up-conversion of sub-THz input electronic signals to the THz range, with high harmonics generation efficiency reaching 1% per atomic layer. Further, graphene is compatible with existing, highly evolved semiconductor ultra-high frequency technology. Remarkably, the sub-THz driving field of the order of 10s kV/cm, needed for efficient generation of THz harmonics in graphene, is even one order of magnitude smaller than the channel field of a typical high-speed, sub-THz CMOS transistor. This suggests a clear route to novel integrated graphene-on-chip THz technology, combining CMOS or BiCMOS integrated circuits as a supplier of sub-THz driver signal, and graphene as an active up-conversion medium for the THz signal generation. The physical picture behind the extreme THz nonlinearity of graphene has been developed within the applying consortium, and is known as thermodynamic model of ultrafast charge transport in graphene. Further, the applying consortium has very recently demonstrated effective control of this THz nonlinearity in graphene via electrical gating. Finally, members of the applying consortium are also among the world leaders in novel SiGe HBT/BiCMOS ultra-high frequency integrated circuit technology. Therefore, the consortium behind this project possesses all the expertise necessary for its success.