German Research Foundation (DFG)

Spatially-Mapped Mobile Terahertz Spectroscopy (T-MAP)
Support Code: DFG PF 661/18-1
Project Initiator:
Pfeiffer, Ullrich, Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
High Frequency Systems in Communications Technology / Terahertz-Technology, Automotive Radar Systems
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Project Objectives:
The terahertz frequency range has been widely considered the most challenging and under-developed frequency range due to the lack of technologies to effectively bridge the transition region between microwaves (below 100 GHz) and optics (above 10 THz). A fundamentally new approach is needed to enable novel applications to be harnessed by the modern industrial world. T-MAP proposes to combine dispersive optics with advanced semiconductor technologies to realize both an incoherent terahertz spectrum analyzer and an incoherent spectrometer, which breaks many of the traditional trade-offs of classical coherent system design approaches. Instead of designing complex coherent electronic systems, T-MAP follows a novel incoherent, spatially-mapped detection approach, along with a pulsed source. An incoherent detector array and dispersive optics will make up the analyzer part, whereas the combination with the source turns the analyzer into a spectrometer. The main objective is to analyze the fundamental methods and limitations of implementing such systems to derive future theoretical and experimental research towards silicon-based broadband terahertz spectroscopy/spectral analysis. T-MAP, therefore, will exploit state-of-the-art commercially available silicon process technologies. This project finally aims to demonstrate terahertz spectral analysis and spectroscopy covering at least a decade of bandwidth (0.15−1.5 THz) with an SNR of 30 dB by applying a spectral resolution trade-off. Transforming stationary lab-based equipment into mobile equipment forms the basis for novel applications in the terahertz regime.
Project duration:
March 2021 - Feb 2023
German Research Foundation (DFG)
advanced SiGe HBTs; terahertz devices; terahertz circuits