Paper, Comference, Workshops



Sherry, Hani; Grzyb, Janusz; Zhao, Yan; Al Hadi, Richard; Cathelin, Andreia; Kaiser, Andreas; Pfeiffer, Ullrich
A 1kPixel CMOS Camera Chip for 25fps Real-Time Terahertz Imaging Applications
IEEE International Solid- State Circuits Conference, ISSCC 2012 (Session 15.1) :252-254
February 2012


Pfeiffer, Ullrich
Silicon CMOS/SiGe transceiver circuits for THz applications
12th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, 16-18 January 2012, Santa Clara, CA, USA :159-162
January 2012


Tittl, A.; Kremers, C.; Dorfmueller, J.; Chigrin, D. N.; Giessen, H.
Spectral shifts in optical nanoantenna-enhanced hydrogen sensors
Opt. Mat. Express, 2 (2) :111-118
January 2012


Pfeiffer, U.R.
Sub-millimeter Wave Active Imaging with Silicon Integrated Circuits
IRMMW-THz, plenary talk :1-4
December 2011


Öjefors, Erik; Pourchon, Franck; Chevalier, Pascal; Pfeiffer, Ullrich R.
A 160-GHz low-noise downconverter in a SiGe HBT technology
The 40th European Microwave Conference :521-524
November 2011


Stollenwerk, T.; Frank, R.; Lubatsch, A.; Zaitsev, O.; Zhukovsky, S. V.; Chigrin, D. N.; Kroha, J.
Local photonic modes in periodic or random, dielectric, and lasing media
Appl. Phys. B, 105 (1) :163-180
September 2011


Sherry, H.; Grzyb, J.; Baktash, N.; Zhao, Y.; Öjefors, E.; Kaiser, A.; Cathelin, A.; Pfeiffer, U.R.
A Broadband 0.6 to 1 THz CMOS Imaging Detector with an Integrated Lens
2011 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Baltimore, MD :1-4
August 2011


Chigrin, D. N.; Kremers, C.; Zhukovsky, S. V.
Plasmonic nanoparticle monomers and dimers: From nano-antennas to chiral metamaterials
Appl. Phys. B, 105 (1) :81-97
August 2011


Kremers, C.; Chigrin, D. N.
Light Scattering on Nanowire Antennas: A Semi-Analytical Approach
Photonics Nanostruct. Fundam. and Appl., 9 (4) :358-366
July 2011


Baktash, Neda; Öjefors, Erik; Keller, Hans M.; Pfeiffer, Ullrich R.
Silicon integrated patch antennas for terahertz imaging applications
German Microwave Conference Digest of Papers :13-15
July 2011


Öjefors, Erik; Heinemann, Bernd; Pfeiffer, Ullrich R.
A 325 GHz Frequency Multiplier Chain in a SiGe HBT Technology
2010 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium :91-94
June 2011


Öjefors, Erik; Heinemann, Bernd; Pfeiffer, Ullrich R.
A 220GHz Subharmonic Receiver Front End in a SiGe HBT Technology
RFIC, Baltimore, MD :pp 69-72
June 2011


Stollenwerk, T.; Chigrin, D. N.; Kroha, J.
Efficient construction of maximally localized photonic Wannier functions: locality criterion and initial conditions
J. Opt. Sc. Am. B, 28 (8) :1951-1958
June 2011


Sherry, H.; Grzyb, J.; Öjefors, E.; Cathelin, A.; Kaiser, A.; Pfeiffer, U. R.
Lens-Integrated THz Imaging Arrays in 65nm CMOS Technologies
RFIC, Baltimore, MD :pp 365-368
June 2011


Statnikov, Konstantin; Öjefors, Erik; Zhao, Yan; Pfeiffer, Ullrich R.
Towards 3D-Imaging with Low-Cost SiGe Technology at 160 GHz
IEEE International Newcas Conference :pp 261-264
June 2011


Öjefors, Erik; Heinemann, Bernd; Pfeiffer, Ullrich R.
Active 220- and 325-GHz Frequency Multiplier Chains in an SiGe HBT Technology
IEEE-TMTT, 59 (5) :pp 1311-1318
May 2011


Öjefors, Erik; Grzyb, Janusz; Heinemann, Bernd; Tillack, Bernd; Pfeiffer, Ullrich R.
A 820GHz SiGe Chipset for Terahertz Active Imaging Applications
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference, ISSCC 2011 (Session 12.5) :224-225
April 2011


Öjefors, Erik; Pourchon, Franck; Chevalier, Pascal; Pfeiffer, Ullrich R.
A 160-GHz low-noise downconversion receiver front-end in a SiGe HBT technology
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 3 (3) :pp 347-353
March 2011


Zhukovsky, Sergei V.; Kremers, Christian; Chigrin, Dmitry N.
Plasmonic rod dimers as elementary planar chiral meta-atoms
Opt. Lett., 36 (12) :2278--2280
June 2011
Publisher: Optica Publishing Group


Öjefors, E.; Zhao, Y.; Pfeiffer, U.R.
Towards 3D-Imaging with Low-Cost SiGe-Technology at 160~GHz
New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), 2011 IEEE 9th International :261--264


ESSCIRC Plenary: Terahertz Imaging with CMOS/BiCMOS Process Technologies.
IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference, Seville, Spain (pp. 52 - 60)
November 2010


Öjefors, E.; Baktash, N.; Zhao, Y.; Sherry, H.
Terahertz imaging detectors in a 65-nm CMOS SOI technology
IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference, Seville, Spain (pp. 486 - 489) :486-489
September 2010


Pfeiffer, Ullrich
Terahertz Imaging with SiGe and CMOS Focal-Plane Arrays, International Microwave Symposium.
Workshop on Millimeter-Wave SiGe/CMOS and III-V Chips and Imaging Systems, Anaheim CA
May 2010


Pfeiffer, Ullrich
Terahertz Imaging with Silicon Process Technologies, International Microwave Symposium.
Workshop on Silicon-Based Technologies for Millimeter-Wave Applications, Anaheim CA
May 2010


Zhao, Y.
A 52-58 GHz Signal Generation IC for Emerging mmWave Applications in SiGe:C BiCMOS Technology.
German Microwave Conference, GeMiC Berlin
March 2010