Compulsory course for M.Sc. Electrical Engineering

The module spans one semester and is offered on a semester-by-semester basis. The module is divided into two parts and includes the tasks:

  • Scientific Research and Presentation
  • Team internship

Each task has a temporal scope of 120 hours. It makes sense to choose the team internship in the field in which you also complete the scientific research and presentation (automation or communications engineering) and it should originally be designed as group work.

There is no central list of topics for the team internship. You have to orientate yourself on the bachelor and master topics of the individual chairs. There you choose an interesting topic and contact the supervisor named there that you would like to do a team internship on this topic (also as an individual). He/She will define a partial aspect with you, which you should work on to the extent mentioned. If there are several candidates, the scope can be larger, so that everyone can work on their own partial aspect.

You can find more details in the module handbook PO 2021 under the search term Complementary Skills (FBE0164). You can download it here (only in german).